Hillview – Los Angles, California, USA. Long and complicated story short, Hillview have finally released their highly anticipated debut full-length, The…
Full NutritionCoercion – Santa Cruz, California, USA. Santa Cruz is home to Coercion, a band with a long, drawn out, sporadic…
Full NutritionDebt Neglector – Orlando, Florida, USA I feel I must place a disclaimer before this review. Despite this Floridian band…
Full NutritionAs Time Fades – Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Contemporary Pop-Punk is very much sat quite comfortably. The national and regional scenes…
Full NutritionMajority Lost – Los Angeles, California, USA. Many a Punk-Rock band are now getting back at it in the wave…
Full NutritionSwitch Hitter – Hagerstown, Maryland, USA. Will Pop-Punk ever die? Likely not. Similar to it’s Punk-Rock father it continues to evolve…
Full NutritionUGLYBoNES – Chicago, Illinois, USA UGLYBoNES are a band that if you’ve spent any time on the Punk-Rock orientated side…
Full Nutrition